Friday 3 September 2010

Are You Going to Desboro Fair?

UPDATE: due to uncertainties in the weather, the City Band has had to cancel our performance at this year's Desboro Fall Fair.  But we'll be back next year and stay tuned to our calendar for an announcement for a alternate Saturday afternoon date later this month!

Labour Day Saturday and time for a City Band program at the 152nd annual Desboro Fall Fair!
Every year on Labour Day weekend, Desboro hosts an annual Agricultural Fall Fair. The fair brings many of the surrounding farmers together to compete for items such as tallest corn, best hay, best selection of antiques and best antique tractors. There are a variety of games for children (everyone loves to watch the frog jumping competition and play a game at the carnival tent). The local youth demonstrate what they learned as members of the many 4H clubs including the calf club and the Potato club, and you can even have your chance to buy some of the prize winning potatoes.

Clarence Lange, director with the Desboro and Chesley agricultural societies for 75 years, put it this way:

"It was the dream of our forefathers to have an event like this every year. They generated and expected support from the community to make it happen. They needed it then and it's needed now, too."

And just like every year, the Owen Sound City Band will be there to usher in the antique tractor parade for the noon hour with a program of show tunes and some vintage brass band marches!

Did we mention the award-winning pies? For directions to Desboro, click the event title in our calendar at and then click on 'map' to take you right there!

1 comment :

  1. UPDATE: due to uncertain weather, the City Band has had to cancel our performance at this year's Desboro Fall Fair.
