Friday 18 February 2011

Hiding YouTube Comments: A Tutorial

Dr. Pisano's YouTube Video on Hiding Comments in Youtube

Many times in the education environment it is not conducive to use YouTube because of what is posted in the comment sections or what appears in the suggestions and playlists.  YouTube does not make this an easy task to do directly from their site.

This tutorial will help you solve that problem by learning how to easily remove the comments by implementing a couple of different solutions.

YouTube is a great resource for showing your music students example performances of the pieces you are working on, for showing authentic performances in particular genres and cultural styles and for illuminating even the most esoteric technique tips on the most obscure instruments, but yes, it can sometimes assume the viewer is an adult mind who will make adult choices on the links offered along the side of the video frame. So what to do?

Here's a techie teaching tip from our friends at MusTech.Net, click on the thumbnail for the video (on YouTube) explaining how to set up the musicroom computer so that you can seamlessly mine the rich resources of that archive without subjecting your students to the very often less than informative comments attached or the sometimes (ahem) curious choices offered in the sidebar as suggestions.

Free music theory worksheets for music teachers (and learners!)

Bass Clef drill from

on a tip from the, a intro to an emerging website of free printable music theory resources for beginners; key signature drill sheets, reading bass clef (with accidentals!) and keyboard recognition (which is an essential skill for all musicians, even percussionists!). And did I mention it was free?

Thursday 17 February 2011

March 3 Executive Meeting

All band members are welcome to attend.

Meeting agenda (PDF):

Thu 2011-03-03 19:30 ??? 20:30 Eastern Time - Toronto
735 2nd Street ???A??? East, Owen Sound, ON (map)