Thursday 13 January 2005

Join the band!

The City Band membership is made up of amateur musicians of all ages and abilities, from high school students to senior citizens, from novice to accomplished pro. Our one common denominator is love of music and a wish to bring this music alive in our community, and besides ...

It's a lot of fun! 

To join us in the Owen Sound City Band, contact info [at]; we are always on the lookout for new members.   

You need not be a resident of the City of Owen Sound to join our Band: some of our musicians hail from as far away as Hanover, Dundalk and Wiarton! All you need is a love of music and basic skills in the common band key signatures; some instruments are available on loan and many of our members are professionally accredited music teachers.

 Attention high school band people: your time in the Owen Sound City Band counts in your Community Service Hours!  What better way to serve your community than doing what you love and learning how to do it better in the process!  And then, after you graduate, did you ever wonder what you were going to do with that horn?

City Band rehearsals are Monday evenings from September through until the end of June; rehearsals run from 7:30 to 9:30pm in the music room at OSCVI.  During the summer months you can find us every Monday evening at the bandshell (where else?) in Harrison Park, and we always pack extra charts if you want to just sit in on a tune or two. Bring a chair, bring your instrument, and don't be shy, we're really quite friendly.

Our repertoire tends toward the wind band and concert band genre with occasional transcriptions of classical, jazz and pop works; if we can play it and we like it, we'll do it!