Thursday, 28 April 2011

City Band at the Grey Roots Heritage Fair

City Band percusion/horn player Nolan Murphy (13) has assembled a fabulous display of photos, memoirs, recordings, videos and artifacts on the history of the Owen Sound City Band for his entry into the 4th Annual Grey Roots Regional Heritage Fair opening today at the Grey Roots Museum and Archive.  Thanks to some terrific support from band members past and present, the presentation covers the history from the early marching bands of Wm Iles on through the Youth Band years and up to the present day.

Nolan's display will compete with entries from grade 4-8 students from several local schools; the Fair itself is April 28, but projects will remain up for public viewing in the museum lobby until the end of Saturday April 30th.

Heritage Fairs are a grand celebration of Canada's past, in the form of student history projects.  Students research Canadian heroes, legends, milestones, and achievements - and proudly present their stories at a public exhibition.

The Grey Roots Regional Heritage Fair allows students to celebrate our heritage and share their work with the community. Participating schools send the best student projects from each class, grades 4-8, to represent their school. This fair could only be possible because of the special talents and dedication of our teachers and principals.


1 comment :

  1. Congrats to Nolan Murphy winning the Grey-Bruce Historical Society Award at @greyrootsmuseum #owensound Heritage Fair!
