Wednesday 24 November 2010

Live @ The Festival of Northern Lights

I'm not precisely sure how Dan managed to play the tenor sax and take these live shots of the City Band opening the show at last Friday's opening ceremonies for the Owen Sound Festival of Northern Lights, but here's what his roving eye captured at the Queen's Park Bandstand!

and by the way, if you have photos or video film of the city band from parades or the concerts in the park, of today or years gone by, please do send them along to info at and we'll post them up on the site!



  1. I enjoyed participating with the Owen Sound City Band at the opening of The Festival of Northern Lights. Once I got my mouthpiece warmed up on the tuba, all was fine.The Santa Claus Parade the following was equally exciting for me and my enthusiasm was boosted higher once I noticed just how many people had come out to see Santa.Cheers!

  2. we're glad you did Greg, there's nothing quite like a good solid bass brass in the group, and yes, well, that Santa guy has a pretty dedicated fan-base, that's for sure. As for mpc warming, heh, just wait until Chatsworth! :)

  3. Thanks a lot for the warning!!!
