Monday, 21 July 2014

Celebrating 94 Years of Community Music!

94 years ago on July the 20th the new City of Owen Sound handed William Iles a cheque for $200 to outfit the new city band; we think that's something worthy of a celebration! Mayor Haswell was there with a gift from the city, a framed certificate of thanks for our 94 years, and there was burgers and sodas for everyone. And cake, we can't forget about the cake! It's not a birthday party without cake :)

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Our New Blog!

Here it is, our new blog home space now relocated on!

With the closing of last month, our old blog had to be bundled up and moved to new digs, and, well, it was an adventure in webspace export formats, but mostly survived the trip.  There will be some rough edges for a while until we can re-upload the photos and videos that were hosted on the old site (the import to only copies the text with links back to the original images ... which are now long gone) -- the good news is that we have backups and it is just a matter of sifting through and replacing the broken content.

So please bear with us; if there are any photos or videos you were particularly hoping to find, drop us a line and we'll make those a priority!

Happy practicing!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Some Old City Band Photos

Bob Bell got a slide scanner for Christmas and sends us three more pictures from the OSCB's illustrious past:

"specifically the season of 1976-77. I was Deputy Bandmaster at the time and these are three gigs I led. The first picture is the Legion Church Parade, Sunday before Nov. 11th, formed up in front of First Baptist Church on 4th Ave. E.. There were still quite a few vets in the band that year.
"The second picture is quite possibly the worst Santa Claus Parade in living memory. We're marching west on 10th St. The building beside us is the Seldon House (Jason's) when it was still painted white. We are about to left wheel onto 2nd Ave. E. We marched shoulder to shoulder to try to keep warm. My trumpet plugged up with ice. The saxes kept losing notes until their reeds split. By the time we reached the reviewing stand at City Hall, we had only percussion left working.
"The third picture is the grand opening of the brand new Shallow Lake Arena. Indoors, thank goodness, though they put us on the ice."
